Saturday, June 07, 2008


No, not that way - see how you think? I've spent the last 2 days working furiously in my yard getting drip irrigation all set because, on Monday night I'm getting on a plane all by myself and flying to Las Vegas where I will stay the night all by myself. The next morning I hop in my rental car and drive 4 hours all by myself to spend a week visiting with my Mom in Utah -- YAA!! The key phrase is "all by myself" which was going to be an adventure until I broke my wrist yesterday. Now it's going to be an ordeal. Somehow in all that manual labor, I sustained a navicular fracture of a tiny bone between the thumb and wrist bone. It's also known as a "snuff fracture" because there's a blood supply there that does a weird turnabout and this fracture often causes havoc with the blood supply to the wrist and thus - SNUFFS it. Nice. What the heck did I do? No clue -- I didn't fall on it or anything - it just started hurting so I ignored it. This morning when I woke up I couldn't move it and it hurt like blazes, so off to the ER we go, instead of going to the quilt show which was my first choice of how to spend a beautiful Saturday. Grumble grumble growl. Totally useless left hand - the splint includes the thumb - good thing I'm a righty. So today I'm home with ice and a bad attitude and can't sew and can only type with one finger and there's still plants to be planted before I go. AND I'm missing the quilt show and a day with the grandboys -- doggone it anyway. Well, I can read anyway, so I'm off to see what kind of quilty goodness you're all up to.


Darlene said...

Ouchie! I'm so sorry to hear that you're down but we're not going to count you out. :-) Enjoy your time with your mom - let her spoil you.

Red Geranium Cottage said...

OMG I'm so sorry about your wrist. Can you still go on your trip all by yourself?? I hope so. Mom can take care of you once you get there.

Sew Create It - Jane said...

How frustrating!! I hope you are on the mend soon.

Carol said...

Oh darn! I am so sorry to hear about your wrist...crazy how these things happen. Hope you have a wonderful visit with your mom...she'll take good care of you and then you'll be as good as new.

Fabricfaire said...

OMG Subee! Say it isn't true! Geez, whata way to start off a vacation! "hugs"

Kim said...

Oh no! What a thing to happen NOW! If it was gonna happen, couldn't it have happened when you were working and could go on disability leave?! ARGH! Since it's just a small thing, is it something that heals quickly? Well, I know--nothing really heals quickly, does it? I hope it doesn't keep you down very long though!

Purple Pam said...

I am so sorry you hurt yourself. It would be good to know how you did it so you don't do it again! Hope you can still enjoy your trip.

Elaine Adair said...

Oh my - poor baby! What timing. Well, you can still walk, if that's any consolation, and if you wear a BIG bandage, you'll get lots of sympathy, and assistance on your way.

Hope it's better very soon. (BTW, You did a good job of typing.)

Mar said...

Oh Su, sounds like you are busier than ever! take care, I hope you can still manage your trip.